Hi! I’m Kristin and I’m so glad you are here!
I am a 28-year old PhD student living in Boulder, Colorado. During the day, I wear my rocket scientist hat building asteroid computer simulations for NASA, but there is so much more to me than my job! And that’s why I started blogging nearly 4 years ago–to share what I love with people just like you. In fact, I’ve met so many incredible people through this blog, so if you haven’t yet, be sure to reach out to me. I’d love to say hi!
A little more about me…
I grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma and graduated from Union Public Schools. I played lots of soccer growing up and ran competitively all over the nation, which kept me plenty busy. From there, I went to Texas A&M to get my B.S. and M.S. in Aerospace Engineering. And because I love school so much ( 😉 ) I moved right on in to a PhD program in Aerospace Engineering Sciences at CU Boulder.
Right now, I live in Boulder, Colorado with my sweet fiance, Allen, who I met in graduate school in Texas. He is amazing and pushes me to be a better person every single day. You can read all about how he proposed here. Did I mention I’m in the process of planning a wedding?! Send all the help!
In my spare time (of which there isn’t a ton), I love baking sweet treats, creating handmade jewelry, traveling to new places all over the world, hiking, camping and skiing on the weekends, and writing about all my experiences here on the blog! I try my best to get trip recaps up on the blog, but oftentimes they take a little longer to put together. (I blame the perfectionist in me.) But even if they are months behind, I still try to catalog our adventures here.
I love sharing my thoughts on personal style as well. I call it style, rather than fashion, because I believe your personal look comes from how you style pieces, not the pieces themselves. Anyone can own something, but only you can style it uniquely. I try my best not to put pressure on you to buy new things in my posts, but rather to show you how to style things you probably already own in new ways. And if you haven’t discovered the 10×10 Challenge yet, take a look! This low-risk micro capsule experiment completely changed the way I think about clothing and style.
I’ve also recently been deeply moved by the intentional living (aka minimalism) movement and have been working on simplifying my life (both physically and mentally) over the past year or so. And while I definitely haven’t figured everything out, I love the path I’m on and am excited to share with you my journey towards finding balance and purpose in my life. A less is more approach is definitely on the horizon.
At any rate, that’s just a little about me! Again, I am so glad you are here and I’d love for you to send me an email or comment on any post to say hi! You can also find me on Instagram (my favorite flavor of social media).
~ Kristin
Contact Me: cupcakesandthecosmosblog@gmail.com

© Kristin Nichols and Cupcakes and the Cosmos, 2019. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kristin Nichols and Cupcakes and the Cosmos with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.